DIY Christmas Cracker Gift Wrap
One of our favorite ways to package our nügg Face Masks is by getting crafting and making our own Christmas crackers! This is a fun, easy way to add a little flare to your gift-wrapping. Follow these easy steps for a beautiful presentation on Christmas morning. Don’t worry…no gun powder required!
What You Will Need:
- Wrapping paper (try to use something that isn’t too thin, as you want to avoid tears)
- Double sided tape
- Ribbon
- A ruler
- Pair of scissors
- Cardboard tube with a 2inch opening (wrapping paper roll or toilet tissue roll works well)
- 4 nügg Face Masks
- Using a ruler, measure and cut a 5inch piece of cardboard tubing and an 8 x 12 piece of wrapping paper
- Place four nüggs inside of the tube
- Along one of the long edges of the paper, place the tube directly in the middle and mark on each side for reference when taping
- Along the same edge, place three pieces of tape evenly across
- Now on the other edge place the tube and roll with the wrapping towards the taped edge
- Press the taped edge firmly to ensure it sticks
- Cut as many pieces of ribbon as you’d like to tie the ends (we kept ours pretty short but you can have any length you’d prefer)
- Using your thumb and pointer finger, gently press the sides in to create creasing where the tube ends
- Tie the ends up with ribbon (to prevent ripping, don’t tie them too tight)
And voila! You now have a pretty Christmas cracker filled with nüggs!
Wishing you the happiest of holidays,
nügg Beauty Team